



2015-08-10 11:25:00


  Top 10 Universities in Russia 2015


  A total of 97 Russian universities feature in the QS University Rankings: BRICS 2015, a ranking of the best-performing universities in the major emerging economies of the BRICS countries (Brazil,Russia, India, China and South Africa). Read on for an overview of the top 10 universities in Russiathis year, with information about each institution, its international rank and its strongest subject areas.

  共有97所俄罗斯大学在2015年QS金砖五国大学排名上榜,在主要新兴经济体的金砖国家 (巴西、 俄罗斯、 印度、中国和南非) 的表现最佳大学排名。下面是出国留学网www.liuxue86.com为大家整理的这一年俄罗斯前 10 名大学的相关信息,包括每所大学的国际排名和最强的专业领域等有关的信息。

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

  The largest and oldest of all universities in Russia, established in 1755, Lomonosov Moscow State University has a current student enrollment of over 40,000 students – the majority at postgraduate level, with around 4,000 international students admitted each year. Ranked 4th in this year’s BRICS ranking and 114th in the latest QS World University Rankings®, Lomonosov Moscow State University is located five kilometers from the city of Moscow, the cultural heart and capital of Russia, high up on the Sparrow Hills overlooking Moskva River.

  In the 2015 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject, Lomonosov Moscow State University is featured among the world’s top universities in 20 subjects. Of these, it performs best (in the top 50 worldwide) for mathematics, linguistics, modern languages and physics & astronomy, and is also among the top 100 for computer science.



  俄罗斯规模最大和最古老的大学,成立于 1755 年,莫斯科国立大学有超过 4 万名学生在读 — — 大多数为研究生,每年有大约四千名国际留学生。今年的金砖五国排名中位列第4,最新QS世界大学排名 ®中位列第114,莫斯科国立大学距俄罗斯的文化政治中心莫斯科市5公里,位于麻雀山上,俯瞰莫斯科河。

  在 2015年版QS 世界大学专业排名中,莫斯科国立大学有20个专业在世界顶尖大学之列。数学、 语言学、 现代语言和物理学与天文学等在世界50强内,计算机科学在100强内。

  2. Saint-Petersburg State University

  Also among the oldest and largest universities in Russia, Saint-Petersburg State University is this year ranked 15th within the BRICS countries and 233rdin the overall world rankings. Established in 1724 as the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, it became known as a university in 1819. Today it enrolls over 32,000 students across 22 faculties and 13 research institutes. Saint-Petersburg State University’s two main campuses are based in Vasilievsky Island and Peterhof, both offering impressive cultural and sports facilities, in addition to close proximity to Russia’s second largest city, Saint Petersburg.

  As well as being ranked among the top 100 universities worldwide for linguistics, Saint-Petersburg State University is among the world’s leaders in a further 6 subjects, including a place within the global top 200 for history & archaeology, mathematics, modern languages and physics & astronomy.



  在俄罗斯最古老和最大的大学中,圣彼得堡国立大学在今年金砖五国中排名第 15,世界整体排名第233。作为圣彼得斯堡科学院成立于 1724 年,在 1819 年变为大学。今天它有22个学院和13个研究所,超过 32000 名学生在读。圣彼得堡国立大学的两个主校区设在特森特拉尼岛和彼得夏宫,都有令人印象深刻的文化和体育设施,以及靠近俄罗斯的第二大城市圣彼得堡。

  语言学全球排名前100,,圣彼得堡国立大学还在6个专业中位于世界前列,包括全球排名前 200 的历史与考古学,数学,现代语言以及物理与天文学。

  3. Novosibirsk State University

  Younger than the other top universities in Russia,Novosibirsk State University was founded in 1959 as part of a Soviet plan to establish a Siberian division of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Currently ranked 19th in the BRICS ranking and 328th in the world rankings, Novosibirsk State University is located approximately 20 kilometers outside of Novosibirsk, the third most-populous city in Russia after Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and the cultural and industrial center of Siberia. Novosibirsk State University has a relatively small student body compared to many other leading Russian universities, with around 5,000 students.

  Of the six subjects Novosibirsk State University is internationally ranked for, it places in the world’s top 150 for mathematics and physics & astronomy, and in the top 200 for philosophy.



  相比其他俄罗斯顶尖大学,新西伯利亚国立大学更年轻,成立于 1959 年,作为苏联计划的一部分,以建立苏联科学院西伯利亚分院。目前排名在金砖五国排名第19,世界排名第328,新西伯利亚国立大学距新西伯利亚大约 20 公里,莫斯科和圣彼得堡后第三个人口最多城市,也是西伯利亚文化和工业中心。与其他俄罗斯顶尖大学相比,新西伯利亚国立大学的学生人数较少,有大约五千名学生。

  新西伯利亚国立大学有6个专业在国际排名,世界排名前 150 的数学和物理学与天文学,和前 200 名的哲学。

  4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

  Established in 1830, Bauman Moscow State Technical University is the oldest and largest of specialized technical universities in Russia, this year ranked 35th in the BRICS ranking and 322nd in the world rankings. Home to almost 20,000 students, and offering all levels of study, Bauman Moscow State Technical University has 19 departments but specializes in the fields of engineering and applied sciences. As well as offering free room and board to a number of students annually, the school is also highly reputed for its teaching of hearing-impaired students.

  Due to its technical focus, Bauman Moscow State Technical University is ranked among the world’s top universities in just one subject: mechanical, aeronautical & manufacturing engineering (top 300 worldwide).



  成立于 1830 年,莫斯科鲍曼国立技术大学是俄罗斯最古老和最大的专业技术大学,今年金砖五国排名为第35,世界排名第322。有近两万名学生,并提供了所有等级的学习,鲍曼莫斯科国立技术大学有 19 个部门,但专业领域为工程与应用科学。每年还为大量的学生提供免费食宿,学校还有高度闻名的听障学生教学。

  由于其技术的焦点,鲍曼莫斯科国立技术大学在世界顶尖大学中排名的只有一个专业: 机械、 航空及制造工程 (世界前300)。

  5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)

  One of the most highly reputed Russian universities for its vocational training in the field of international relations and diplomacy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) is currently ranked 39th in the BRICS ranking and 399th in the world. Run by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations was formerly a part of Moscow State University, before becoming an independent institution in 1944.

  With a relatively small student body of 6,000 across undergraduate and graduate levels, Moscow State Institute of International Relations specializes chiefly in the humanities, covering international diplomacy, journalism and law. Programs are offered in a diverse selection of languages, including English and Russian.



  被誉为国际关系和外交职业培训领域的享有最高声誉的俄罗斯大学之一,莫斯科国立国际关系学院目前是金砖五国排名第三十九,世界排名第399。由俄罗斯外交部成立, 莫斯科国立国际关系学院前身为莫斯科国立大学的一部分,在1944年成为一个独立的机构。


  6. Tomsk State University

  The second institution in this list of top Russian universities to be located in Siberia, Tomsk State University this year ranks 44th in the BRICS ranking and 491-500 in the world rankings. Founded in 1888 with just one faculty, Tomsk State University has since become a multidisciplinary university, home to 23,000 students across 23 departments. At its main campus in the historic and student-friendly city of Tomsk, Tomsk State University offers six English-taught master’s programs, 10 museums, an herbarium, a Siberian botanical garden, a pool, a cultural center and one of the most extensive library archives in Russia.

  This year, Tomsk State University is ranked among the top 300 universities worldwide for modern languages, and among the top 400 for physics & astronomy.



  此列表中位于西伯利亚的第二个俄罗斯名校,托木斯克国立大学今年金砖五国排名第 44 位, 世界排名491-500。成立于 1888 年,当时只有一个学院,托木斯克国立大学已经成为一个多学科的大学,跨 23个部门,有二万三千名学生。其主校区在托木斯克,是一座历史感和学生友好的城市,托木斯克国立大学提供6个英语硕士项目、 10个博物馆、 一个植物标本室、 一个西伯利亚植物园、 一座游泳池、 一个文化中心,还有一座俄罗斯最广泛的图书馆档案之一。


  7. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

  Established in 1946 during the period of the Soviet union  , the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), informally known as PhysTech, is a technical school focused on physics, mathematics and related subjects. Sometimes referred to as the “Russian MIT”, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is this year ranked 45th in the BRICS ranking and 411-420 in the world rankings. Its main campus can be found towards the northern suburbs of Moscow, in Dolgoprudny, although its aeromechanics department is based in Zhukovsky in the south east of the city. At the smaller end of the spectrum, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has a current student community of around 5,000.

  The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is ranked among the world’s top universities for two subject areas this year, placing in the top 200 for physics & astronomy and the top 400 for mathematics.


  7.莫斯科物理技术学院 (国立大学)

  在苏联期间成立于 1946 年,莫斯科物理技术学院 (国立大学),非正式名称为 PhysTech,是一所侧重于物理,数学及相关的学科的技术学院。有时被称为"俄罗斯的麻省理工",莫斯科物理技术学院 今年金砖五国排名第45,世界排名第411-420。主校区在莫斯科北部郊区,在多尔戈普鲁德内,其空气力学院设在茹科夫斯基市东南部。莫斯科物理技术学院当前的学生为大约5 000名。


  8. National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

  Founded in 1942, the National Research Nuclear University, or “MEPhI” (shorthand for Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, of which it is a part), is a technical university focusing on the nuclear industry as well as the fields of physics, engineering and mathematics. This year MEPhI is placed 51st in the BRICS ranking and 481-490 in the world rankings. Located in Moscow, close to Kolomenskoye Park, MEPhI overlooks the banks of the Moskva River and is home to the royally owned “wooden palace”. It has a current enrollment of around 6,000 students.

  True to its focus, the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” is ranked among the world’s top 100 universities for physics & astronomy and also among the top 400 for mathematics.



  创立于 1942 年,国立核研究大学(简写为莫斯科工程物理学院的一部分),是专注于核电行业,物理、工程、 数学等领域的技术大学。今年国立核研究大学在金砖五国排名为第51,世界排名第481-490。位于莫斯科,在科洛缅斯科公园附近,可以俯瞰莫斯科河岸边,拥有皇家"木宫"。现在有大约 6000 名学生在读。


  9. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

  Coming 60th in the BRICS ranking and 481-490 in the world rankings is the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, a large university in Saint Petersburg with over 30,000 students divided across more than 400 undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition to a wide range of faculties, including engineering, economics, humanities and information technology, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University also has 20 research centers which conduct joint research with leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Siemens and Apple.

  Like a number of the top universities in Russia, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University excels in the field of physics & astronomy, for which it is ranked among the top 250 universities worldwide.



  在金砖五国排名第60,世界排名第481-490的是圣彼得斯堡理工大学,是圣彼得堡的一所规模很大的大学,有超过 30000 名学生划分横跨超过 400 的本科生和研究生。除了众多的教职员,包括工程、 经济、 人文、 信息科技,圣彼得斯堡理工大学也有20个研究中心有与之进行联合研究的先进技术公司,如苹果、 微软、 西门子等。


  10. National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE)

  Established as recently as 1992, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) was awarded the status of a National Research University in 2009, and offers a multidisciplinary curriculum with a focus on the social sciences, mathematics, computer science and economics. This year the Higher School of Economics is ranked 63rd in the BRICS ranking and501-550 in the world rankings, having climbed steadily up the rankings thanks to its rapidly established reputation both within and beyond Russia. The current student body of over 20,000 is divided between the school’s main campus in Moscow and its three other campuses in the cities of St. Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod and Perm.

  True to its name, the Higher School of Economics ranks among the world’s top 200 universities for economics. It’s also ranked among the top 200 for philosophy and sociology, and within the top 100 for development studies.



  俄罗斯国立研究大学—高等经济学院1992 年新成立,在2009年荣获国家研究型大学的地位,提供多学科课程重点在社会科学、 数学、 计算机科学和经济学。今年金砖五国排名为第63,世界排名位501-550,由于其在俄罗斯内外迅速建立起的信誉而稳步上升。当前学生有超过两万名,分部在莫斯科的主校区以及圣彼得堡、 下诺夫哥罗德和彼尔姆的其他三个校区。

  名副其实的,俄罗斯国立研究大学—高等经济学院的经济学跻身世界顶尖 200 大学。哲学和社会学也排名前200,发展研究排名前100。


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