

哈里杜鲁门——That Is No Reflection on Anybody


2016-04-01 11:05:00


  哈里杜鲁门---一个即使没人相信他, 他也完全相信自己的总统:That Is No Reflection on Anybody 我可没对任何人有看法,没有发现秘密协议。详细内容如下,和出国留学网小编一起来看一下吧!


  Truman: I have asked Mr. Connelly to be my Confidential Secretary. Mr. Reinsch is going to help me with press and radio affairs.

  杜鲁门:我已经让康纳利先生做我的机 要秘书了。赖因施先生将帮助我处理媒 体和无线节目事务。

  Reporter: Mr. President, can you give us that full name?

  记者:总统先生,您能告诉我们他的全 名吗?

  Truman: Matthew J. Connelly.


  Reporter: How do you spell it?


  Truman: Leonard Reinsch. Connelly spells it the Irish way. (Laughter)

  杜鲁门:莱纳德赖因施。康纳利都 是用爱尔兰的习惯拼写。(笑声)

  Reporter: How does Mr. Reinsch spell his name?

  记者:赖因施先生都是怎么拼写自己的 名字的?

  Truman: How is that?


  Reporter: Reinsch—how does he spell his name?


  Truman: R-e-i-n-c-h—S-c-h—there’s an S in there. I forgot the S.

  杜鲁门: R—e—i—n—c—h S—c—h有一个S,我刚才忘了 S。

  Reporter: Can we have something about where he is from?


  Truman: He has been a radio executive for Governor Cox. Mr. Connelly has been with me all the time. Mr. Reinsch was connected with the National Committee during the last campaign as the radio expert for the National Committee. So I got acquainted with him. And he is efficient, I will tell you that. And so is Mr. Connelly. So are all these other gentlemen. That is no reflection on anybody, you understand? (Laughter) I received a communication from Mrs. Roosevelt which I want to read to you. You will be given a mimeographed copy of it as you go out. This is dated April 16, 1945.

  杜鲁门:他一直为考克斯州长处理无线 电台的事务。康纳利先生一直跟着我。 上次竞选时赖因施先生是国家委员会的 无线电台专家。所以我才认识了他。我 告诉你,他是个很高效的人。康纳利先 生也是。其他的先生们也是如此。我可 对任何人都没有看法,明白不?(笑 声)我从罗斯福夫人那里收到了一封 信,我想给你们念一下。你们一会儿出 去的时候会拿到一份油印样稿。日期是 1945年4月16日。

  “My dear Mr. President:


  There have been many thousands of letters, telegrams and cards sent to me and my children which have brought great comfort and consolation to all of us. This outpouring of affectionate thought has touched us all deeply and we wish it were possible to thank each and every one individually.My children and I feel, in view of the fact that we are faced with the paper shortage and are asked not to use paper when it can be avoided, that all we can do is to express our appreciation collectively.

  我和孩子们收到了几千份的信件、电报 和卡片,这给我们带来了很大的安慰。 他们充满深情的话语深深地感动了我 们,我们希望能感谢他们每一个人。我 和孩子们觉得,考虑到我们缺乏纸张, 国家要我们尽量节省用纸,我们所能做 的就是一起表达我们的感激之情。

  We would therefore consider it a great favor if you would be kind enough to express our gratitude for us. Sincerely, Eleanor Roosevelt. Now, there has been some question as to where I stand on various things, particularly Bretton Woods. And I am for it. We need an international monetary setup. And I would have supported that proposition had I stayed in the Senate, and I would have done everything I possibly could as Vice President to help the President get it through the Senate.

  因此我们想如果你能为我们表达一下我 们的谢意就是帮了我们大忙了。

  I am for it all the way. I hope that is plain enough. If you want to ask me anything, I will try to answer; and if I don’t know, I will tell you.

  此致,埃莉诺罗斯福。”现在有人 对很多问题都有点疑问,特别是布赖顿?伍兹。我支持他的看法,我们需 要建立国际货帀。如果我还在议院,我 肯定已经赞成了那个提议,我会尽我所 能作为副总统帮助总统让议院通过这个 提议。我一直都支持这个提议。我希望 自己说得够明白了。如果你想问我什 么,我就会尽力回答;如果我不知道, 我也会如实回答。

  Reporter: Mr. President, in that same connection, would you say, just for the record,on reciprocal trade, has the President requested ...

  记者:总统先生,还是这件事,我想问一 下,总统有没有要求在互惠的贸易上……

  Truman: Yes. That was the other thing I wanted to mention.

  杜鲁门:有。这是我刚才要提及的另外 一件事。

  Reporter: —about the Export-Import Bank?


  Truman: I am for the reciprocal trade agreements program. Always have been for it. I think you will find in the record where I stood before, when it was up in the Senate before,and I haven’t changed.

  杜鲁门:我支持互惠贸易协议计划。一 直都支持。我想你会在我之前的看法的 记录上发现,在议院之前我也是这样, 一点儿也没变。

  Reporter: What about the Johnson Act repeal?


  Truman: You mean the Johnson Act now pending for repeal?

  杜鲁门:你是说约翰逊法案的废除现在 还悬而未决吗?

  Reporter: No, the Johnson Act which prohibits loans by private individuals to the defaulted governments.

  记者:不是,约翰逊法案禁止私人借款 给屡屡违约的政府。

  Truman: Well, that is a matter I will have to look into and study. I haven’t given it any thought. I can’t answer that question at this time. I will answer it for you later.

  杜鲁门:嗯,那我得仔细研究一下这件 事。我还没有想过这个。现在不能回答 这个问题。我之后会回答你。

  Reporter: Mr. President, are you going ahead with the public power ambitions of your predecessor?

  记者:总统先生,你会继续像你前任那 样保有对国家权力的雄心吗?

  Truman: Wherever it is possible and necessary, I am.


  Reporter: Mr. President, in that connection the term of TV A Chairman Lilienthal will be expiring in a few months.

  记者:总统先生,田纳西流域管理局主 席利连撒尔再有几个月就满任期了。

  Truman: I am not discussing appointments this morning of any sort. I am—when it comes to me to meet that situation, I will meet it; and you will know about it.

  杜鲁门:今天上午我不就任命进行讨 论。等我需要处理这个情况的时候,我 就会处理的,到时你们就知道了。

  Reporter: Mr. President, could you tell us how you feel about the Missouri Valley Authority?

  记者:总统先生,能不能告诉我们你对 密苏里河流域管理局有什么看法?

  Truman: I think I made a speech in New Orleans endorsing the Missouri Valley Authority. I advise you to read that speech.

  杜鲁门:我想关于密苏里流域管理局, 我曾在新奥尔良发表过演说。我建议你 去读读那篇演讲。

  Reporter: Mr. President, probably as much as any group, the passing of President Roosevelt is very keenly felt by the Negroes in America, as they looked upon him as sort of a symbol of justice and equal opportunity. I wonder if you would comment on the things that they were so specifically interested in and felt they knew where the President stood: on the fair employment practice, the right to vote without being hampered by poll taxes, and all that?

  记者:总统先生,可能任何群体都一 样,总统罗斯福的离去对美国黑人是个 打击,因为他们把他看做是公平和正义 的象征。我想知道你是否会对他们特别 感兴趣的事情作出评论,让他们知道总 统的态度:在公平就业的问题上,参加 民意测验的投票权以及所有这些事情进 行表态?

  Truman: I will give you some advice. All you need to do is to read the Senate record of one Harry S. Truman.

  杜鲁门:我给你个建议。你需要做的是 去读哈里?杜鲁门的议院记录。

  Reporter: Mr. President, do you mind discussing a companion piece to the Missouri Valley Authority, about the St. Lawrence? Can you tell us anything about that?

  记者:总统先生,你介意就圣劳伦 斯问题讨论一下密苏里流域管理局的相 关的事情吗?能不能给我们讲一些?

  Truman: I don’t want to discuss that this morning.

  杜鲁门:我今天上午不想讨论这个事 情。

  Reporter: Mr. President, is there any possibility that you will go to the United Nations Conference at San Francisco near the end?

  记者:总统先生,你有没有可能会在旧金 山的联合国会议接近尾声时参与会议呢?

  Truman: There is not.


  Reporter: Will you send a message, Mr. President, to the San Francisco Conference?

  记者:总统先生你会不会在旧金山会议 上致辞?

  Truman: I shall probably welcome the delegates by an opening statement, when they arrive for their first meeting.

  杜鲁门:我很可能在开场致辞的时候对 参加首场会议的代表们致欢迎词。

  Reporter: Over the radio?


  Truman: Yes.


  Reporter: Could you tell us, Mr. President, some of the considerations that led to your decision not to go to San Francisco?

  记者:总统先生,你能不能告诉我们, 你不去旧金山是什么原因?

  Truman: I have a competent delegation going to San Francisco to negotiate and represent the interests of the United States. I shall back them up from this desk right here—(knocking on it)—where I belong.

  杜鲁门:我派了很有能力的代表团前往 旧金山代表美国进行谈判。我会在这里 支持他们(敲桌子)——我属于这里。

  Reporter: Do you expect to see Mr. Molotov before he goes across?

  记者:你期待在莫洛托夫先生去之前见 到他吗?

  Truman: Yes, I do.


  Reporter: —before he goes to San Francisco?


  Truman: Yes. He is going to stop by and pay his respects to the President of the United States. He should.

  杜鲁门:是的。他会在此停留,对美国 总统表示尊敬。他应该这样。

  Reporter: When do you expect him to arrive? Can you tell us something about your visit with the American delegation this morning?

  记者:你预计他什么时候到?你今天上 午能不能给我们讲讲你和美国代表团的 访问?

  Truman: I have told you—I have already told you exactly what I said to them.

  杜鲁门:我告诉你了——我已经 告诉了你们我对 他们说了什么。

  Reporter: Mr. President, will Mr. Francisco in any capacity?

  记者:总统先 生,伯恩斯先生 能去旧金山吗?

  Truman: He will not. Mr. Byrnes is going back to South Carolina, and when I need his advice I shall send for him.

  杜鲁门:他不去。伯恩斯先生 要回南卡罗莱纳 州,我需要他的 建议时会派人找他过来。

  Reporter: Have you any plans for Mr. Byrnes to take any public office?


  Truman: I have not.


  Reporter: Mr. President, do you have a desire,as soon as possible, to meet the other Allied leaders—Marshal Stalin and Prime Minister Churchill?

  记者:总统先生,你有没有尽快接见同 盟国领导的愿望——马沙斯大林和 丘吉尔首相?

  Truman: I should be very happy to meet them, And General de Gaulle; if he wants to see me I will be glad to see him. I would like to meet all of the Allied heads of governments.

  杜鲁门:我会很高兴和他们会面,而戴 高乐将军,如果他想要见我,我也想与 他会面。我愿意会见所有的同盟国政府 领袖。

  Reporter: Have you initiated any move towards that end, Mr. President?

  记者:总统先生,你有没有开始任何行 动?

  Truman: I have not.


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